Lost & Found

Home > At The Park > Lost & Found
Two guests riding the Downdraft

For items lost within Cliff’s Amusement Park property, our online Lost and Found form is the easiest and most efficient way to report lost items.

Online Form

Once you submit information on this form, you will receive immediate confirmation that your form has been successfully entered into our tracking system for processing. If your item is found you will receive an email notification.

To ensure that you receive the confirmation email, please add the address “notifications@chargerback.com” to the “white list” of any spam filter that may be running on your home computer or office email system. Please note, if your item is found it may take up to five days to reach our lost and found department

Disclaimer: Cliff’s is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items. Items that are not claimed within 14 days will be discarded.

Complete and submit the form below.